From the very beginning of my studies, my teacher, the late great Dr.Veronica Dunne had always spoken of the importance of good study material. The first score I bought was a hardback copy of Mozart’s “Le nozze di Figaro”, which was of course from Bärenreiter. In the same way that we spend so much time learning vocal technique as a foundation to building a career, we have to buy the best and most sustainable work tools. 18 years later, I still use this same score when I sing Cherubino. I have a collection of over 50 Bärenreiter scores, everything from opera, Lieder and symphonic works.
I have taken my scores all over the world, the more I work from them, the more valuable they become. These scores, like your vocal technique, become work tools, friends to your success, a part of your business and a constant companion on the road. I would like to say THANK YOU to Bärenreiter for being there.
Tara Erraught